Training & Outreach

The Schools and Libraries (E-rate) Program News Brief will give you information about upcoming funding commitments, tips to help you through the application process, and other timely information.

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USAC added multi-factor authentication (MFA) to increase the security of Universal Service Fund (USF) IT applications. MFA helps safeguard access to data and applications, and provides additional security by requiring a second form of user authentication. This complies with both Federal and FCC information security guidelines.

USAC Applicant Training & "How To" Videos

Posting of an applicant’s FCC Form 470 (Description of Services Requested and Certification Form) opens the required competitive bidding process.

Applicants file an FCC Form 471 (Description of Services Ordered and Certification Form) to request discounts on eligible services and equipment for the upcoming funding year. Applicants must include information on the recipients of services and service provider(s); provide detailed descriptions of services including costs and dates of service or equipment; and certify compliance with program rules.

FCC Form 486 (Receipt of Service Confirmation and Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Certification Form) notifies USAC that the billed entity and/or the eligible entities that it represents is receiving, or has received, service in the relevant funding year from the named service provider(s).

Applicants file an FCC Form 472 (Billed Entity Applicant Reimbursement (BEAR) Form) to request reimbursement from USAC for the discount costs of the eligible products or services that the applicant has received and paid for in full.

These videos are designed to help you understand and manage the form filing process, FCC requirements, and other elements of the Schools and Libraries (E-rate) Program.

This suite of applicant training courses includes the content delivered in the 2019 fall applicant training series. To begin your self-paced training, click one of the links below. Please ensure your device’s “Silent Mode” setting is off, sound is on, and volume is up.

Join USAC for live training webinars provided throughout the year for Schools and Libraries (E-rate) Program participants. Learn more about program updates and essential guidance to help participants successfully navigate the program.

During each webinar, the audience will have the opportunity to take part in a live question and answer session with members of the E-rate Program team where they will answer questions on the webinar topic.